
Chicken, boneless, cut into small pieces, 1 1/2 kg
Mustard sauce 2 1/2 tsp
Hot garlic sauce 3 1/2 tbsp
Garlic paste 2 1/2 tsp
Green chillies, finely chopped 7
Oil 3 tbsp
Capsicum, finely chopped 3 large
Spring onions, finely chopped 4, green part only
Worcestershire sauce 3 tbsp
Chinese salt 1/4 tsp, optional
Cornflour 2 tbsp
Salt to taste


* In a bowl, mix mustard sauce, hot garlic sauce, salt and Chinese salt and marinate the chicken for an hour. Heat oil in a saucepan, add garlic paste, green chillies and the marinated chicken.
* Stir fry till chicken is cooked. Add vegetables, Worcestershire sauce and fry for a few minutes more on high heat.
* Mix cornflour with 4 tbsp of water and pour in the chicken while stirring. Remove from heat.
* Serve hot with fried or plain rice.

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