
-1 can chick peas
-1 small onion, sliced
-1 tsp. ginger paste
-1 tsp. garlic paste
- 1 tomato, chopped
-1 t Cumin powder
-1 tsp. coriander powder
-1 t chili powder
- 2 tbsp. imli ka rus
-1 tsp. garam masala
- 2 tbsp. coriander leaves, chopped


1. Sauté onions in 2 tablespoons of oil, until soft, add garlic and ginger. Sauté for about 2 minutes.
2. Add tomato, and continue frying until tomatoes are soft.
3. Add cumin, coriander powder, chili powder and salt and fry for another 3minutes. (add little water if mixture sticks to the bottom of the pan.)
4. Drain the chick peas, add to the tomato mixture and cook for few minutes.
5. Add garam masala, and imli ka rus. Cover and simmer for 3 minutes .
6. Garnished with coriander leaves and lemon slices.


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