Sugar ................. 1 1/2 cups
Cold water .......... 1/4 cup
Whipping cream .... 2 cups
Egg yolks ............ 4 nos
Milk .................... 1 cup
Pure vanilla extract 1 tsp

Makes one and a half quarts Prep time; 30 minutes Freezing time; 30-45 minutes Although ice cream and sorbets can be made without special freezers, the texture of the frozen desserts made with them is much smoother and crystalfree. To make this without an ice cream freezer, after the custard has cooked chill mixture thoroughly. then, whip the 1-1/2 cups remaining cream and fold into cooled custard. Freeze until firm. Place 1 cup sugar in a heavy saucepan and stir in water. Cook on gentle heat until sugar dissolves. Stop stirring immediately. Brush down any sugar crystals adhering to sides of pot with a pastry brush dipped in cold water. If sugar lumps, break up with wooden spoon. Turn heat up and without stirring cook until mixture turns a golden caramel colour. Watch closely as sugar burns easily. Very carefully, averting your face, add 1/2 cup of the whipping cream. Cook a minute or two until mixture smooths out. Remove from heat. Beat egg yolks with remaining sugar. Beat in hot caramel mixture. Beat in milk. Return to heat and cook, stirring constantly until mixture becomes very slightly thickened, about 8 minutes. Stir in remaining whipping cream and vanilla. Cool. Place in ice cream freezer and freeze according to directions.

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